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Back then MMT was better known as ‘Dykfoto’. Ola Oskarsson developed the first PX-based positioning software and a navigation software program called Aron.


Dykfoto expanded to Marin Mätteknik AB (later MMT) and moved to a new location at Nya Varvet, close to the port entrance of Gothenburg, Sweden.


The first shallow water multibeam system EM3000 was purchased.


After a long search, MMT and Deep Sea Production found the DC3 aircraft lost during the Cold War.


The first offshore DP1 survey vessel, Franklin, was purchased and is still part of our expanding fleet through charter.


MMT started seabed investigations for the Nord Stream Project in the Baltic Sea, resulting in a company growth from 50 to 220 employees.


Ola Oskarsson became the Ernst & Young award winner for Entrepreneur of the Year. Ola generously shared this award with all MMT personnel. This year MMT also saw the merger with the British company NetSurvey Ltd, following a successful six years of cooperation


The official start of the development of the fast flying Surveyor Interceptor (SROV) which is a 50/50 ownership between MMT and Reach Subsea. This was also the starting point for the cooperation between the two companies.


The Surveyor Interceptor (SROV) was ready to be launched for commercial use, thanks to the collaboration between MMT, Reach and the Norwegian partner Kystdesign. The SROV is designed for pipeline inspections and on its first mission it reached a speed of 4.5 knots acquiring top quality data and detailed still images.


Per Olof Sverlinger was recruited as the new CEO for MMT. The collaboration between MMT and Reach Subsea continued with a formal pool agreement based on a 50/50 risk and reward sharing of vessels, assets and resources within the agreement


Full speed ahead, with maintained quality!